My battle with arm-ne

I’ve had acne-like bumps on my arms since high school. It wasn’t until recent years that I figured out how to treat this condition.

I always thought they were just pimples on my arms, which is why I refer to them as “arm-ne”. They would show up and I would pick at them or attempt to pop them. They weren’t a pretty sight and I could never seem to get rid of the little bumps. However, they never bothered me enough to bring the topic forward to my general practitioner.

I had Keratosis pilaris all along
It wasn’t until the last couple of years when I found out these bumps are called Keratosis pilaris. [TODO: Create a brief write-up on Keratosis pilaris]. When I found out what they actually were I was able to find a proper treatment for them.

How I’ve been able to treat my Keratosis pilaris
Keratosis pilaris has a similar appearance to acne. For that reason, I’m surprised I never tried acne remedies in order to rid of them. I guess my younger self wasn’t big into skin care.

Salicylic acid, which is commonly used to treat acne, has given me amazing results. With consistent use of a salicylic acid-based body wash, I have been able to virtually eliminate my arm-ne.

Which salicylic acid body washes have worked for me
I have had success mixing half of the following salicylic acid body washes with my regular body wash. The CeraVe body wash below is my favorite, but it has been hard to come by recently.
CeraVe Body Wash with Salicylic Acid
Amazon Brand – Solimo Clarifying Pink Grapefruit Body Wash

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