Theories for my hair loss

Why am I balding? When I noticed that my hair was thinning I attempted to reason why. I have come to know that there is only one reason.

Genetic predisposition
Probably the sole reason for my hair loss. Male pattern baldness, or androgenic alopecia, runs in my family. The other reasons below might have aggravated my hair loss, but having MPB in my genes is probably the reason that my hair began falling out in the first place.

I was in a state of chronic stress when I noticed that my hair was falling out. I had a baby on the way, just moved to a new city, was worried about finances, etc. The constant stress made sleep difficult and I generally felt unwell daily. Stress can cause hair loss. However, my loss does not follow the patterns of typical stress-related hair loss. Stress may have aggravated my hair loss, but it did not cause it.

Lack of exercise
I noticed my hair loss at a time when I was skipping out on gym visits. Regular exercise is important and it may help to keep hair at its healthiest. However, the lack of exercise was not causing my hair to fall out.

Other reasons (that didn’t actually cause my hair loss)…
Poor diet
Vitamin A (too much of it)

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