Top of scalp from above

I’m losing my hair

Admitting that my hair is indeed falling out. The beginning of my hair loss journey and the reason for this site.

I’ve always liked my hair. I’ve kept it short, I’ve grown it out. I’ve received countless compliments on it. It’s been part of my identity for as long as I can remember. Because of my fondness for it, and my genetic predisposition to Male Pattern Baldness (aka Androgenic Alopecia), I have always been worried about losing it one day.

It turns out that day has come. As of November 2020, I have officially admitted to myself that my hair loss journey has begun. My hairline has probably been receding, and my hair thinning, slowly over the past few years. Unfortunately, I wasn’t paying close attention to my scalp.

In October (of 2020) I had let my hair grow a bit longer than usual. That’s when I noticed that I could see through to my scalp in a few areas near the crown of my head. I thought that the thin appearance of my hair might be related to how I was parting my hair at that point in time.

TODO: Add reference picture with different areas of the scalp

I ended up getting a hair cut shortly after and that’s when I realized that no matter how I directed my hair, I was able to see through to my scalp in various areas. Not only that, I could tell that my hairline had receded a bit, resembling more of a “M” shape than it used to. Here are pictures took shortly after receiving a haircut (10/30/2020).

Hairline straight on
Hairline straight on
Front of hairline from above
Hairline from above
Top of scalp from above
Top of scalp from above
Crown from above
Crown from above

These are traits that I hadn’t noticed after receiving a previous hair cut. Since this all happened within months, I believe that my hair loss has accelerated. I have a few theories around why that might be the case:
TODO: Link to my own theories

TODO: Add reference picture of Norwood scale

I am thankful that I was able to retain a youthful head of hair until my late 20’s (as of writing this I am 29 years old) without any intervention. I’ve always said I would take action if I did begin to lose hair. I created this site to describe the steps that I have taken to understand, fight, and record my progress related to hair loss.

First thing first…
What causes hair loss?