
About myself, why I started VainGuy.com, my decision around the site’s name, and why so many of my articles are unfinished.

About me
As of writing this (11/29/2020) I am 29 and I just recently noticed that I was losing my hair. I have always been self-conscience as I believe most of us are to an extent. Besides caring about my appearance, I enjoy learning, music, cars, and have plenty of other interests.

Why I started VainGuy.com
I created VainGuy.com for two reasons. First, I wanted a place to document my journey into hair loss, skin care, diet, and exercise. And secondly, I wanted a place to compile my research on the aforementioned subjects in an easy-to-digest-format that might benefit others.

Why VainGuy.com?
I don’t think that “VainGuy” is an accurate description of myself. I actually think “SelfConscienceGuy” would be better. To be vain may imply that I am excessively proud of my own appearance or conceited, which really isn’t the case. I went with VainGuy.com because it is shorter and hence easier to remember.

What’s with all the TODOs?
I don’t always have the time or will to bring posts to a close. I leave TODOs in my articles so that I can get back to them at a later time.